
June 5, 2021

June 5, 2021


I just want to share a quick update today because of one finding. The United States’ portion of the Unresolved COVID-19 cases in the world has been increasing markedly since May 8, 2021.

You can see how the U.S. percentage of Cases, Unresolved, and Deaths have changed over time (I’ve chosen not to show Recoveries, because it is very similar to Deaths, which it obscures if I include it).

Whereas the U.S. portion of Global Deaths (the red bars) has remained relatively steady, peaking at 27 percent in May 2020, remaining pretty steady around 20 percent for many months, and currently at a relatively low 16 percent; and the U.S. portion of Global Cases (the blue bars) also peaked in the spring of 2020 at 32 percent with the average for the subsequent year being around 24 percent and currently at a relatively low 20 percent; the U.S. portion of Global Unresolved has fluctuated comparatively wildly.

I cannot know whether this represents the actual facts on the ground or has more to do simply with the collection of statistical data by each country of the world. Whatever the case, the numbers are what they are. While the total number of Unresolved Cases is declining rapidly worldwide (THIS IS A VERY GOOD THING), these numbers suggest that this very positive phenomenon is occurring much more strongly outside of the United States. The total number of Unresolved Cases in the United States peaked at 9,060,213 on January 24, 2021, and has decreased to the current number of 5,524,788. However, those 9 million cases represented just under 50 percent of all Unresolved Cases globally at that time; the 6.2 million Unresolved Cases in the United States on May 8, 2021 represented 35 percent of all Unresolved cases globally; but the current 5.5 million Unresolved Cases in the United States now represents a rising 41.5 percent of all Unresolved Cases in the world.

I have no idea what to infer from this statistic. All I can suppose is that, while the situation is improving in the United States and around the world, it appears to be improving more quickly outside of the United States. Why this should be, considering that we have the lion’s share of the vaccines (even though some very large portion of our population won’t take it), I do not know.

Over the last 30 days, there have been an average of 550 deaths per day in the United States. According to the triangulation prediction method I’ve been using, the next milestone number is 721,000. That is 109,000 more deaths from our current level of 612,000. If daily deaths continue at an average of 500 per day, then we would reach 721,000 after 218 days, or January 9, 2022. God forbid. Facts are stubborn things. We have 5.5 million Unresolved Cases right now. The Case Fatality Rate has been steady at 1.8 percent for nearly 200 days. If the contagion stopped today, we could reliably expect 99,000 additional deaths. But the contagion won’t stop today.

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