October 24, 2020
October 24, 2020 #stayhomebewell ***A bit of housekeeping: I discovered that, if viewed on a computer, when you try to zoom in to see the charts in greater detail, the charts themselves don’t resize—only the surrounding text does. However, when…
October 3, 2020
October 3, 2020 #stayhomebewell I’m posting less and less frequently. Back on July 26th I described this pandemic as just growing larger and larger, such that the need for frequent updates was diminishing. I may just stop posting altogether soon,…
August 15, 2020
August 15, 2020 #stayhomebewell We’ve reached another milestone in my projections, and I have a new metric to introduce. As always, I continue to hope that my projections will be wrong. These posts are my feeble attempt to add a…
August 10, 2020
Here’s what I’ve been thinking about lately. I don’t know the answer the question I’m about to pose. What is the magic number? There are 330,000,000 people in the USA. At the beginning, there was one infection. At the other…
July 26, 2020
July 26, 2020, 11:00 am #stayhomebewell As the pandemic grows bigger and bigger, my posts are less and less frequent. It feels like it was a speedboat back in March, with quick, sharp turns and fits and starts each day,…