March 25, 2020
March 25, 2020, 10:00 pm (I’m rounding numbers now) Global Cases: up 11 percent, or 42,300, to 469,000. Global Deaths: up 12 percent, or 2,300, to 21,200. Global Recoveries: Up 5 percent, or 5,300, to 114,000. Global Unresolved: up 13…
March 24, 2020
March 24, 2020, 10:40 pm Global Cases: up 11.5 percent, or 43,500, to 422,600. Global Deaths: up 14.3 percent, or 2,375, to 18,900. Global Recoveries: up 6.3 percent, or 6,500, to 109,000. (**New Metric**) Global Unresolved: up 13.3 percent, or…
March 23, 2020
March 24, 2020, 5:30 pm I had to take a break last night. I was on my tenth day of focusing on this, and I just had to step away. Here’s what I would have put out last night, with…
March 22, 2020
March 22, 2020, 10:25 pm Global Cases: Increased by 9.2 percent, or 28,400 cases, to 337,533. This rate of growth is down for the third day. Global Deaths: Increased by 11.5 percent, or 1,500 deaths, to 14,654. The daily growth…
March 22, 2020
March 22, 2020, 3:25 pm A friend forwarded to me an excellent resource that everyone should look at: I won’t bother explaining it. It is self-explanatory. What it says, though, is the following: It caclulates the “point-of-no-return-to-prevent-hospital-overload” dates. New…